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CV joint dust boots for different climatic regions

The Polyurethan LLC starts the manufacturing of CV joint dust boots of polyurethanes with different properties. This will give the best characteristics for CV joint boots, that will meet the conditions of vehicle operation in different climatic regions.
PU54/M71 polyurethane CV boots are intended for mild climates where the frosts do not exceed –20˚С (-4˚F). In these regions, the snow cover does not last long, and the machines are often operated in dusty and polluted conditions. Therefore, the material used for these CV joint dust boots has a high resistance to abrasion and tearing, that is, it can successfully withstand the particles of dry dust and wet mud cover, reliably and permanently protecting the CV boots.
Another type of CV boots – frost-resistant. These CV boots do not lose their elasticity and have high elasticity even at frost temperatures of -50˚С (-55˚F) and below. Included with them is planned to offer a special cold-resistant lubricant. This will eliminate the trouble with rupture of the anthers when the lubricant freezes. They are made of PU54/E72 polyurethane. Both types of CV joint dust boots will appear on the site in the near future, and they can be ordered.
Now everyone can choose the CV joint boots, which is best suited for specific climatic conditions.

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